Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Thank You Challenge

Thank you to all who participated in the challenge for March. If you haven't taken up the challenge then please do, we would still love to see your work, just submit it under any of the March posts.

So this month I thought of something a little different that sometimes gets forgotten but is still very meaningful in the day to day life which makes it important to be documented.

Your challenge for this month is to make a thank you layout about a household appliance that makes life easier, you can't live without or just is a huge blessing and why it is so.

I picked our washing machine. As a Mum of 4 it is something I just wouldn't want to live without, I don't think there is a river big enough for all our washing! But it is just the 'practical' side of my washing machine that I love. Its the symbolism of our washing machine, the fact that it is a way that I can show my love for my family, giving them clean clothes to wear each day and I love to see those clothes on the line, reminding me of the family who love me and are growing everyday.

So are you up for this challenge? Saying thank you to something from everyday life? Have a look around you. The kettle because you can't start the day without a coffee, the telly because it keeps everyone entertained, the car because of where it takes you?? Now is your chance to show others how much that thing means to you in your life right now. Come on Thank it!!! I know that when we got our new BIGGER fridge I hugged it everyday, didn't keep that habit up because my arms hurt from stretching although thinking about that it would have been good exercise! So enjoy exploring your everyday life and can't wait to see what you create!

Just post a link for the layout here when you are done so we can all admire your handiwork.

Take care and hope you have all enjoyed your April Fools day, I know our 8 year old did!!


Anonymous said...

Well yep i know your thankful for this and you are my washing inspiration as you are so organised etc....hee hee...I without a doubt know what mine is going to be so stay tuned......

Anonymous said...

i'm a Mum of 4 too and i know what you're saying! :D

great challenge!