Saturday, December 1, 2007

December Thank You Challenge

The year is rapidly ending and this months challenge is about looking forward.

What are you thankful about that will be happening in 2008?? That is your challenge.

Scrap about things that are happening in the New Year or things that won't be happening. About good things or even baggage left behind in 2007... it's up to you and we would love to see what you create, inspire others by doing so :)

Enjoy the ride till 2008 and thanks for visiting :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November Thank You Challenge

This month is all about relaxing and taking it easy!!
The challenge, should you choose to accept, is to create a layout about something that you do to have time out. What is the one thing that helps you unwind, get away from it all or just spend 5 minutes recovering your sanity levels!!
Would love to see what you create so please drop back here with a link so we can view and admire your creation.
All the best with the new challenge and thanks for visiting :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

October Thank You Challenge

This month is all about Me... Well ok it's about you!!!
This month's challenge is to create a layout based on yourself and the things you are thankful for. There is so much to be thankful for and sometimes others don't see what you see and I think 'you' is a great starting point.
Hope you enjoy this new challenge, can't wait to see what you create, so pop back here and link your layout. You might just inspire someone else.
Thanks for visiting :)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

September Thank You Challenge

Happy September one and all. I hope it is a wondrous month for you.
This months challenge is up to you. The challenge will be to create a thank you layout of your own choice. You can thank anything or anyone for whatever reason. And this month there is something special about posting your layout back here. The topic for the October challenge will be chosen from one of the layouts submitted in September and special mention will be made to the person who submitted it.
So what are you waiting for?? Get those fingers cracking, create and have fun!!!
Thanks for visiting

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Just thought I would pop in and say thank you to all the visitors of The Thank You Blog. Appreciate each and everyone of you!
How are you going with the August challenge?? Hope you have been inspired to scrap. Next month it's all about YOU. So make sure you come back, not just to see what the September challenge will be, but also to share your creations.
Take care :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

August Thank You Challenge

Hope you are all well. Did you feel challenged to scrap a negative that turned positive?? Thought I would get in early for the new month as tomorrow is a flat out day in our house!

This month's challenge is to scrap about a health problem. A result you are thankful for, treatment that is working or just the fact you are healthy and well.

This is my take on the challenge. One of our daughters has recently been diagnosed with a heart problem. I am very thankful for the fact that we finally have found what the problem is and that we have a 'name' for the problem. All our kids have had their health issues and I hope to scrap about the others one day, so this was a good place to start.

Journaling says "so proud of you and now we know about infrequent SVT" also contains hidden journaling about how proud I am of her.

I hope you feel inspired to scarp a health related Thank You layout and would love to see it, so please drop back here and leave a link for your layout.

Also a little plug for September's challenge, it will be a free for all but worth joining in. Ok have fun, take care and as always, thanks for visiting.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is it cold where you are?

Is cold here in Tasmania, Australia! Middle of winter and feeling like it!
Ok so a hint for next month's theme... Health. That would be the biggest clue I have given to date!!
Find out more on the first.
Thanks for dropping by :)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July Thank You Challenge

How did you go with the June Challenge? Did you find a deed to scrap?
This months challenge is to scrap a negative that turned out to be a positive (told you maths was involved!!!). My layout is about my love of all things music, she types this after a day of 4 noisy girls singing LOUDLY in the car! Growing up I was often told I was tone deaf and not to sing. Being told I couldn't sing just to stop me from singing. But it didn't stop me, as those around you would tell you I am forever making up songs and singing, humming or whistling! This layout is about the thought that if I wasn't told I couldn't sing I don't think I would enjoy music as much as I do today. I don't take it for granted and enjoy the noise that sometime envelopes me. I now know I can sing and have been told that I'm not at all tone deaf (thank goodness say those around me lol)

So this month's challenge is about something that may have altered your life, your way of thinking or just the way you are, for the better. I also thought of scrapping, and will do so in the future, about the arrival of our first daughter. She has a genetic skin disorder and we were told of the life to expect for her and us. Thankfully she is 1000 times better than the Doctors ever predicted and it's something we never take for granted and are very thankful for, a negative that turned into a positive.
Looking forward to seeing where this challenge takes you and would love to see your work, if you would like to post a link back here.
Thanks for visiting and hope the month is full of things to be thankful for.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Slip, Sliding away

Sorry to keep bringing it up but OH MY GOSH is that another month almost over???
Wonder what delights July will bring?! June has already shown it's hand with some cold (brr) days and some sunshine filled days. Winter here in Tasmania still brings out the best of every season, and usually in one day.
The challenge for July, hmmmmm what can I tell you?? It involves a little maths, maybe, a little of the past mixed with a little of today... I think that is about all I can say but hope it gets your brain tingling!
See you back here on the 1st :)

Friday, June 1, 2007

June Thank You Challenge

Brrr Winter has definately shown it's beauty today!! A sprinkle of snow on the mountain while the sunshine streams down! What has the new season brought to your neck of the woods today???

How did you go with last month's challenge?? I hope it has inspired you to create. This month's challenge is to say thank you to a deed. Something that someone does, an act of kindness, a labour of love. Something that might happen everyday or something that is out of the blue. For me, my layout is about how my wonderful Husband turns my electric blanket on. It shows me how loved I am because he remembers each night (apart from those warmer nights). He never knew that it was something my own Father used to do for me, all he knew is that I love hopping into a toasty warm bed!! So for this I am thankful. So why scrap it?? Well, it's something noone would ever know about 'Us'. It's a story I can share that symbolises the love that he has for me and for that I am grateful!!

Hope this inspires you to create this month and please remember to come back and share a link so we can all see your creations and be inspired too.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yes it's the sound of another month flying by! June is almost here and with the new month a new challenge for The Thank You blog.
So how are you going with this months challenge?? Completed a layout?? Would love to see it.
And next month's challenge...
What will it be??? It could be something that happened once, something that happens daily, something insignificant or something so in your face you can't miss it. Either way its something that I think is worth thinking about and noting with a layout so others see how important it is. Curious??? Well, make sure your back here on the 1st (I usually update at night (Australian time)). I also suggest using Bloglines (or similar) so you find out when the blog has been updated. I love Bloglines and use it to keep on top of the blogs I like to visit so I don't have to remember them all.
Hope your feeling inspired to create.
Take care

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Thank You Challenge

Have to start with another thank you! To all the 400+ visitors for April and to the lovely people who have linked the blog to their own or other sites I would like to say thank you so very much!! To all who completed the April challenge, well done! Love to see your work so if you can please leave a comment and the link to your layout.

Ok on to this months challenge...

I think it is important that people know why you started scrapbooking in the first place. Was it a person, magazine or something else that inspired you to start scrapbooking?? Did you have a purpose for starting, grand plans or start out slow?? Do you ever wonder what generations to come will think when they see your layouts? By documenting why you started scrapbooking will allow them to see a little more of who you are and why you embarked on this journey. For those who think you don't have a story to tell maybe your layout could be about what scrapbooking means to you, thanking the products, the creative outlet or the 'me' time you might have. A layout that will share with people why it is important to you and why you spend time and money on this art. I think we all have a story to tell that is very worth sharing.

So here is my layout thanking my good friend Allison. She has been scrapping for a long time and would often show me her work. I never thought it was for me until one day I thought 'hey that doesn't look too hard' then I grabbed a magazine when I went grocery shopping, booked a night in with Allison and she walked me through my very first layout and I haven't looked back!! The layout is also symbolic in that denim, red, kraft, stitching and journal strips are some of her faves and I used a few photos as she loves to use just one!! What I love about this challenge is that my kids will now know when I started scrapping and why I started and to Allison I say THANK YOU!
I hope this inspires you to create a layout on why you started scrapping and the story that may go with it. Don't forget we would all love to see your finished work, just post the link in the comments for us to have a look and thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Almost May!

where has the time gone??!!
I hope you are all having an awesome April and looking forward to the new month?
Have you completed a 'thank you' layout yet? Why not give it a go and then return here to post the link for your layout and we can admire your work and in turn you might inspire someone else.
Next month we will be taking a look back. For some it might not be too long and others it might be a few years. It might be about a story you have shared often, you might have even scrapped about it, but we would love to see your story. Its something that, I think, needs to be thanked and something that is worth sharing so future generations can see why you do what you do.
And that is the point of this blog. To inspire you to think and scrap about things that tell more about you. Things that might be forgotten, things that might not be seen by others but things that are worth sharing because they make up who you are and where you are at.
So next month will be about saying thank you to something that allowed you to be where you are today... what will that be?? Come back on the 1st to find out :)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Thank You Challenge

Thank you to all who participated in the challenge for March. If you haven't taken up the challenge then please do, we would still love to see your work, just submit it under any of the March posts.

So this month I thought of something a little different that sometimes gets forgotten but is still very meaningful in the day to day life which makes it important to be documented.

Your challenge for this month is to make a thank you layout about a household appliance that makes life easier, you can't live without or just is a huge blessing and why it is so.

I picked our washing machine. As a Mum of 4 it is something I just wouldn't want to live without, I don't think there is a river big enough for all our washing! But it is just the 'practical' side of my washing machine that I love. Its the symbolism of our washing machine, the fact that it is a way that I can show my love for my family, giving them clean clothes to wear each day and I love to see those clothes on the line, reminding me of the family who love me and are growing everyday.

So are you up for this challenge? Saying thank you to something from everyday life? Have a look around you. The kettle because you can't start the day without a coffee, the telly because it keeps everyone entertained, the car because of where it takes you?? Now is your chance to show others how much that thing means to you in your life right now. Come on Thank it!!! I know that when we got our new BIGGER fridge I hugged it everyday, didn't keep that habit up because my arms hurt from stretching although thinking about that it would have been good exercise! So enjoy exploring your everyday life and can't wait to see what you create!

Just post a link for the layout here when you are done so we can all admire your handiwork.

Take care and hope you have all enjoyed your April Fools day, I know our 8 year old did!!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you to all those who have come to visit this blog over the last 24 hours! You have made my smile even brighter!!!
I want to also say thank you to those taking up the challenge to say thank you to Elsie.
Continue to post those links as we would all love to see your creations and I have just emailed Elsie to let her know what we have been doing here in blog land and I will email her when a new link for a thank you Elsie layout comes in.
Thanks again and check back tomorrow for the new Thank You challenge for April.
Take care and thanks everyone!
Just so the links are in one place:
Krisje's layout
Kendra's layout
Allison's layout
And mine is below :)
EDIT 6 April 2007:
Jode's layout

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Just a reminder

That it's just under 2 weeks till we start a new challenge so get scrapping and don't forget to link your layout here so we can all see and pass on the thanks to Elsie!!
And if your stuck here are a few things that might help. You don't have to use a photo of Elise. You could use a photo of her book, a layout you did that was inspired by Elsie, products that may have been inspired by her too. I know that, after seeing it on Elsie's work, I just had to have a certain paint colour. I hunted it down and LOVE IT! So I am thankful to Elise for introducing me to Lagoon MM Paint!!
So you see there are many ways we can say thank you and just a word of warning next month's challenge involves thanking something from the everyday happenings! I have decided to go with something white that adds colour to my day... stumped?? well stay tuned and looking forward to seeing all those great thank you layouts!
Take care :)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why The Thank You Blog???

Two reasons:
1. As a way of thanking people who I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to thank. Through scrapping my thanks I feel I can then share my thanks in a wonderful way.
2. To inspire others to do the same.

What is The Thank You Blog?
A platform to showcase your thanks to someone and an opportunity to share that with others as well as the person you are grateful for.

Who can be involved?
Anyone! The Thank You Blog is primarily about scrap booking 'thank you' layouts of various topics.

How does it work?
Each month a new challenge will be set. You then have that time to scrap a layout and post a link to the layout here.

So for the month of March the challenge will be thanking ELSIE FLANNIGAN.

She is someone who, I think, has inspired many, gives so much and just loves life to its very fullest. I felt I needed to scrap my thanks to Elsie and through this thought I was inspired to start this blog and to start my very own 'thank you album' as a way of thanking those, in my life, that inspire or have inspired me. So please come back each month to be challenged, share and be inspired by others saying thank you to those impacting on their lives. Each month will be different, not always scrap related but always based on your life, because essentially that is what scrap booking is all about!
So come on this journey as we say THANK YOU.
Thanks for visiting :)